My Fitness Idol- Jennifer Aniston

Like I said in my previous post, I have never been this serious when it comes to losing weight and shedding off unwanted pounds permanently. I am not getting any younger and I want to get fit for health and vanity reasons. It’s not easy. Really. I am a very busy single mother of 3. I work full time online and I also have online businesses that I am taking care of during my spare time. However, it came to a point when I have become increasingly unhappy with the state that my body is in. I cringe every time I look in the mirror. I hate that most of my clothes don’t fit anymore (in fact I still have a lot of clothes that haven’t been worn yet, still with tags and all). I have to come to terms and accept the fact that I have given birth more than two years ago and should have shed off those excess weight a long time ago.

So my determination was born. I started planning and actually took the time to start running and jogging first with two fitness buddies who are also serious about getting fit again. And for the first time in my life…I started dieting. Yes, I removed sodas and sweets from my daily menu. I eat rice once a day only and for less than a cup. I started incorporating more fruit and veggies in my meals. Now I exercise 5-6 times a week alternating running/jogging with zumba/hiphop. My fitness body Lea would like to add Belly Dancing to our routine once a week. Pretty soon, we would like to include swimming and Muay Thai too.

I have lost weight and feel a lot better. I’m halfway through my goal of going back to size S and 100 lbs. I wish I could have Jennifer Aniston’s banging body. She’s 44 years old and she’s so fit.  Here are some pics of her in bikinis courtesy of


Joining the Fitness Bandwagon

For several weeks, I have been into this fitness craze. I dance or run 5-6x a week and for the first time in my life, I forced myself to go on diet. It was very difficult for me to give up soft drinks since I am the type of person who would always have carbonated drinks but after several days of not giving in to my cravings, I have successfully conquered my need to drink colas. It seems I have also gotten rid of my sweet tooth. I NO longer have stock of chocolates and cakes inside my ref. Much to the dismay of my sons who always raid my loot. =)

Getting rid of junk food is quite easy as I am not in to junk food that much. It’s also okay for me to forego rice as I only eat rice once a day. The 2 things that I could not seem to give up are coffee and cigarettes. =) I know I should give up cigarettes but they’re really my stress relievers. And besides, I only smoke when I am not at home. 

Vanity is just one of the reasons why I want to lose weight and get fit. I always lose weight when I workout but I also gain them back the moment I stop going to the gym. The reason for this is because I never made the conscious decision to go on a diet when I was working out. This time, I am really serious of getting back in shape. And I think I’ll be able to do it this time. =)

To date I have lost 8 lbs already but I feel slimmer, fitter and healthier. I plan to lose 10 more pounds since I want to go back to my pre-Drew body. Yes, I want to go back to rocking bikinis and LBDs! =) Despite the age. hahaha.