Of Fidelity, Love and The Legal Wife

I would have been very blind not to see or notice the flooding of statuses regarding The Legal Wife. Let’s face it, almost every girl can relate to either Monica or Nicole in that series.

I was in Camiguin with some friends when I first watched an episode last Friday. What’s my take on it? I got pissed with myself because I got so affected that I promised NEVER to watch another episode. My friends laughed when I said that had I been Monica in the series, I would have really done a Fast and the Furious scene and ensure neither one would have survived getting hit by the car. Yup….I just realized that I really have a penchant for violence when provoked.

I find it sad that society seems to have a morbid fascination about anything related to fidelity in a relationship. TV series or movies about that subject are always popular. I don’t like the fact that media seems to be giving a message that it’s normal to be unfaithful. It is NOT and it will never be NORMAL.

If you are unhappy with your setup up with your current partner, the best option to take is to let go of that person before you enter another relationship. It is never right to be with someone when you are committed to someone else. Ladies are no exception to this rule.

For the straying cats out there, give your partner the respect that they deserve. Be faithful. Sad to say, I encounter more and more people who think nothing about seeing someone else even when they’re already married or in a relationship. I should know. I was a victim of that kind of relationship. My ex was seeing a bevy of other girls during our 14 year relationship and I was the last to know. And I could not understand how some of these girls would willingly date him when they knew we were still very much together. They should know. After all some of these girls were our office mates.

Illicit affairs are exciting and perhaps they liked the idea of being the other woman. For me, it just means that they’re desperate and have low self esteem to allow themselves to be the “kabit”. It’s different if you did not know though. I used to date a colleague when my ex and I first broke up. I knew he was married but he swore he and the wifey already called it quits since the wife found someone else. A month after dating, I found out they were still very much together and they were just geographically separated so to speak. Tsk tsk tsk…. so I ended things between us and sent a silent apology to the unsuspecting wife. And the guy? Did not even have the decency to apologize to me. And he still asks me out from time to time when he’s in town. The nerve! I have long stop replying to his messages though but did not “unfriend” him on FB since I wasn’t that affected anyway. He was such a hottie though. 😉

So if you’ve ever been a victim of a modern day Cassanova or Don Juan de Marco, I suggest you stay away from The Legal Wife or any TV series and movies with that tone. Trust me, your blood pressure will surely go up.